Suvirinimo simbolių sistemos

Suvirintų konstrukcijų siūlių žymėjimo standarto LST EN ISO 2553:2014 nauji reikalavimai taikomi jau nuo 2014-04-16, tačiau tikėtina, kad daugelis konstruktorių ir suvirintojų vis dar nėra susipažinę su jais. Šis Lietuvos standartas pakeičia LST EN 22553:2002 ir yra Europos standartizacijos komiteto parengto standarto EN ISO 2553:2013 versija. Tarptautiniame ISO 2553 standarte nurodomi du skirtingi pasaulinėje rinkoje naudojami metodai, kur metalinių konstrukcijų suvirinimo brėžiniuose žymima rodyklės pusė ir kita pusė arba atskirai, kad atitiktų tam tikrą rinkos poreikį. Bet kurio metodo taikymas reiškia suvirinimo simbolį pagal šį tarptautinį standartą.
Lietuvos standartas pasaulinėje rinkoje naudotus du skirtingus metodus apjungė į vieną, todėl konstravimo ir gamybinėje praktikoje iškilo daug neaiškumų. Remiantis tarptautiniu standartu, standartas LST EN ISO 2553: 2014 išskiria dvi vaizdavimo sistemas, A ir B. Metodas pagal A sistemą yra pagrįstas ISO 2553: 1992. Metodas pagal B sistemą yra pagrįstas Ramiojo vandenyno regiono pakrančių šalyse taikomais standartais.
LST standarte pateikti simboliai gali būti naudojami suvirinamų metalinių konstrukcijų techniniuose brėžiniuose. Konstrukcinės specifikacijos, tokios kaip suvirinimo kokybės tipas, storis ir ilgis, paviršiaus apdorojimas, užpildo medžiaga ir bandymų specifikacijos, gali būti tiesiogiai nurodomos suvirinime šiame standarte pateiktais simboliais.

Siuo metu galiojantis standartas. Standarto galiojimą galite pasitikrinti čia…

Kitos pusės suvirinimo vietos žymėjimas

A sistema

Simbolių atvaizdavimas sistemoje A pagrįstas dviguba nuorodų linija, kurią sudaro ištisinė ir brūkšninė linijos. Galimi du nuorodų linijų išdėstymo būdai (1 pav.).

1 pav. Pagrindinis suvirinimo siūlės simbolis
Pastaba: 1 – rodyklės linija; 2-3 – nuorodų linijos; 4 – atšaka.

Brūkšninės linijos vaizdavimas viršuje ar apačioje ištisinės nuorodų linijos (1 pav.) nenulemia suvirinimo siūlės vietos. Atšaka (atviro arba uždaro tipo) nėra privalomas elementas, kuris prijungiamas prie ištisinės nuorodų linijos pabaigos. Atšaka yra kaip suvirinimo siūlės simbolio dalis, kurioje nurodoma papildoma informacija apie siūlės kokybės lygį (pagal ISO 5817, ISO 10042, ISO 13919 ir t.t.), suvirinimo procesą (nuorodos numeris pagal ISO 4063 – 121), suvirinimo padėtį (pagal ISO 6947), pridėtines medžiagas (pagal ISO 544, ISO 14171, ISO 14341, ISO 2560 arba ISO 3581) ir t.t.
Uždarojo tipo atšaka naudojama tik tada, kai norima nusakyti nuorodą į konkrečias instrukcijas (nuoroda į suvirinimo procedūros aprašą arba kitą dokumentą) (2 pav.).

2 pav. Atviro ir uždaro tipo nuorodų linijos atšakos

Vaizduojant ir žymint suvirinamų metalinių konstrukcijų suvirinimo siūles techniniuose brėžiniuose labai svarbu suvokti rodyklės pusės ir kitos pusės vietą. A sistemoje konstrukcijų suvirinimo siūlių simboliai žymimi ant ištisinės linijos reiškia, kad suvirinimas atliekamas ten kur rodo rodyklė (rodyklės pusė), o siūlių simboliai sužymėti ant brūkšninės nuorodų linijos vaizduoja suvirinimą kitoje pusėje, nei rodo rodyklė. Svarbu suprasti, kad kita pusė, kai kertama ne pagrindinė, o pridėtinė detalė (3 pav.).

Pageidautina, kad suvirinimo siūlės simbolis būtų rodomas toje pačioje sąsajos pusėje, kurioje turi būti daromas suvirinimas, t.y. rodyklės pusėje.

B sistema

B sistemos simbolių vaizdavimas pagrįstas vienguba nuorodų linija, kas ir sukelia didžiausius nesusipratimus ir broką suvirintų konstrukcijų gamyboje (4 pav.).
Siūlės simbolis esantis apatinėje suvirinimo siūlės nuorodų linijos dalyje reiškia, kad suvirinimas atliekamas ten, kur rodo rodyklė, o siūlės simbolis pavaizduotas viršutinėje nuorodų linijos dalyje vaizduoja suvirinimą kitoje pusėje, nei rodo rodyklė. Kitos pusės reikšmė tokia pat kaip ir A sistemoje.

Lietuvos standarte LST EN ISO 2553:2014 skyriai, lentelės ir paveikslai, kurie pažymėti A arba B raidėmis, ir yra taikomi tik A arba tik B sistemai. Brėžiniuose negalima maišyti A ir B sistemų, reikia aiškiai nurodyti, kuri sistema taikoma. Tai kas standarte nepažymėta raidėmis, galima taikyti abiem sistemom.

Žymint suvirintą sujungimą brėžinyje turi būti pateikta visa reikalinga informacija apie sujungimo specifiką, neperkraunant brėžinio nuorodomis ir papildomais vaizdais. Suvirintojo sujungimo simbolis privalo būti vaizduojamas siauromis linijomis ir būtinai turi turėti elementus, parodytus 5 pav. Siūlės tipą nusakantis simbolis turi liesti ištisinę arba brūkšninę nuorodų liniją. Kai siūlė yra simetrinė abiejose elemento pusėse, tai brūkšninė nuorodų linija nevaizduojama.

5 pav. Būtini suvirinto sujungimo simbolio elementai
Pastaba: 1 – rodyklės linija; 2 – siūlės skerspjūvio matmuo;

3 – siūlės simbolis (kampinė siūlė);
4 – siūlės ilgio matmuo; 5 – nuorodų linijos.
Detalus suvirinto sujungimo žymėjimas

Siūlių žymėjimo simboliai

Siūlių žymėjimo simboliai (lentelės) gali būti pridedami prie nuorodų linijos abiejose A ir B sistemose, kad būtų aišku, kokio tipo suvirinimo siūlė turi būti suvirinta. Žymint suvirinimo siūles, siūlių simbolių vaizdavimo orientacija nekeičiama, būtina išlaikyti taip, kaip parodyta lentelėse, o rodyklės linija turi būti nukreipta į tą junginio dalies pusę, kurio briauna nusklembta. Žymint junginio asimetrinių skirtingo tipo suvirinimo siūlių pagrindinius ir papildomus simbolius brėžiniuose, taikant rodyklės ir kitos pusės principą (A sistema), matomos siūlės simbolis vaizduojamas ant ištisinės nuorodų linijos (rodyklės pusė), o asimetrinės nematomos siūlės simbolis ant brūkšninės nuorodų linijos (kita pusė) (6 pav. žemiau lentelių).

Pagrindiniai suvirintų sujungimų siūlių žymėjimo simboliai
Papildomi suvirintų sujungimų siūlių žymėjimo simboliai
Plačiausiai naudojami suvirinimo siūlių skerspjūvio matmenys

Būtini suvirinto sujungimo simbolio elementai gali būti papildyti:

  • papildomais simboliais;
  • siūlių matmenimis;
  • papildoma informacija.



  1. Suvirintieji sujungimai yra racionaliausi ir labiausiai paplitę neišardomi sujungimai, tačiau konstravimo ir gamybinėje praktikoje iškilo daug- neaiškumų apjungus nacionaliniame standarte dvi skirtingas siūlių žymėjimo sistemas – A ir B.
  2. Žymint metalinių konstrukcijų suvirinimo siūles brėžiniuose labai svarbu suvokti rodyklės pusės ir kitos pusės vietą. A sistema pagrįsta dviguba nuorodų linija, kurią sudaro ištisinė ir brūkšninė linijos. Todėl matomų siūlių simboliai turi būti žymimi ant ištisinės linijos nurodant, kad suvirinimas atliekamas ten kur rodo rodyklė (rodyklės pusė), o siūlių simboliai sužymėti ant brūkšninės nuorodų linijos vaizduoja suvirinimą kitoje pusėje, nei rodo rodyklė.
  3. Brėžiniuose negalima maišyti A ir B sistemų, reikia aiškiai nurodyti, kuri sistema taikoma. Svarbu suprasti, kad kita pusė, kai kertama ne pagrindinė, o pridėtinė detalė.



European foreword
This document (EN ISO 2553:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 44 „Welding
and allied processes” in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 121 “Welding and allied
processes” the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2019, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by October 2019.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN ISO 2553:2013.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 2553:2019 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 2553:2019 without any modification.


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/oron the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes, Subcommittee SC 7, Representation and terms.
Any feedback, question or request for official interpretation related to any aspect of this document should be directed to the Secretariat of ISO/TC 44/SC 7 via your national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at Official interpretations, where they exist, are available from this page:
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 2553:2013), which has been technically revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— editorial corrections especially to align with other ISO/TC 44 standards and terminology;
— figures updated to more accurately reflect welds illustrated;
— plug welds in circular and elongated holes (slots) — clarification especially as it relates to slot welds;
— old Figure 5 is now shown as Table 5 for clarity;
— Clause 6 has been revised to reflect Pacific Rim practices.


The symbols given in this document can be used on technical drawings for welded components. Designrelated specifications, such as type, thickness, and length of weld, weld quality, surface treatment, filler material and testing specifications, can be indicated directly at the weld by means of the symbols. The principals of this document can be applied to brazed and soldered joints.
Clarity can be improved by references to collective information in the drawings or references to additional design-related documents.
Preparation for production can require detailed welding-related planning. The type of representation described in this document can be used for this purpose and complemented by additional productionrelated information (e.g. welding position, welding process, WPS, joint preparation, preheating). This information is often given in production-related documents, such as work schedules or welding procedure specifications (WPS).
Technical drawings are intended to clearly and understandably illustrate design-related specifications. Welding-related drawings are prepared and checked by specially trained personnel (see ISO 14731).
This document recognizes that there are two different approaches in the global market to designate the arrow side and other side on drawings, and allows for either to be used in isolation, to suit a particular market need. Application of either approach identifies a welding symbol in accordance with this document. The approach in accordance with system A is based on ISO 2553:19921). The approach in accordance with system B is based upon standards used by Pacific Rim countries.

Welding and allied processes — Symbolic representation on drawings — Welded joints

1 Scope

This document defines the rules to be applied for symbolic representation of welded joints on technical drawings. This can include information about the geometry, manufacture, quality and testing of the welds. The principles of this document can also be applied to soldered and brazed joints.
It is recognized that there are two different approaches in the global market to designate the arrow side and other side on drawings. In this document:
— clauses, tables and figures which carry the suffix letter „A” are applicable only to the symbolic representation system based on a dual reference line;
— clauses, tables and figures which carry the suffix letter „B” are applicable only to the symbolic representation system based on a single reference line;
— clauses, tables and figures which do not have the suffix letter „A” or „B” are applicable to both systems.
The symbols shown in this document can be combined with other symbols used on technical drawings, for example to show surface finish requirements.
An alternative designation method is presented which can be used to represent welded joints on drawings by specifying essential design information such as weld dimensions, quality level, etc. The joint preparation and welding process(es) are then determined by the production unit in order to meet the specified requirements.
NOTE Examples given in this document, including dimensions, are illustrative only and are intended to demonstrate the proper application of principles.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 128 (all parts), Technical drawings — General principles of presentation
ISO 129-1, Technical product documentation (TPD) — Presentation of dimensions and tolerances — Part 1:
General principles
ISO 3098-2, Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 2: Latin alphabet, numerals and marks
ISO 4063, Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
ISO/TR 25901 (all parts), Welding and related processes — Vocabulary

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/TR 25901 (all parts) and the following apply.

complementary information
non-symbolic information, relevant to the welds being made, which may be included in the tail (3.5) of
the welding symbol (3.1)
Note 1 to entry: See 4.8.
intermittent weld
series of weld elements made at intervals along a joint
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,]
Note 1 to entry: See 5.3.2.
chain intermittent weld
intermittent weld (3.11) on each side of a joint arranged so that the weld elements lie opposite one
another along the joint
Note 1 to entry: These are usually fillet welds in T-joints and lap joints.
Note 2 to entry: See
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,, modified — Note 2 to entry has been adapted.]
staggered intermittent weld
intermittent weld (3.11) on each side of a joint arranged so that the weld elements on one side lie opposite
the spaces on the other side (3.7) along the joint
Note 1 to entry: These are usually fillet welds in T-joints and lap joints.
Note 2 to entry: See
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,, modified — Note 2 to entry has been adapted.]
distance between the start of welding on one side of a staggered intermittent weld (3.11.2) and the start
of welding on the other side (3.7)
Note 1 to entry: See, C.2.3, Table C.1, No. 3, C.3.3 and Table C.2, No. 3.
back run
DEPRECATED: sealing run
final run deposited on the root side of a fusion weld
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,]
backing weld
backing in the form of a weld
nominal weld length
design length of a weld
Note 1 to entry: Nominal weld length is the length where the weld has its full size

3.15.1 nominal length of weld element nominal length of each element of the weld Note 1 to entry: Nominal weld length is the length where the weld has its full size. 3.16 nominal throat thickness a design value of the height of the largest isosceles triangle that can be inscribed in the section of a fillet weld Note 1 to entry: If other nominal throat thicknesses are specified, e.g. fillet welds with unequal leg lengths (see Table 6, No. 2.3), they need to be clearly specified. In these cases, the symbol a shall not be used. [SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,, modified — The symbol a has been added. Note 1 to entry has been changed.] 3.17 leg length z distance from the actual or projected intersection of the fusion faces and the toe of a fillet weld, measured across the fusion face [SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,, modified — The symbol z has been added.] 3.18 penetration depth deposit thickness DEPRECATED: weld metal thickness thickness of the weld metal, excluding any reinforcement [SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,] 3.19 deep penetration throat thickness s nominal throat thickness (3.16) or effective throat thickness to which a certain amount of fusion penetration is added [SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,, modified — The symbol s has been added. Note 1 to entry has been deleted.] 3.20 flare-bevel weld butt weld between a joint member with a curved surface and another with a planar surface Note 1 to entry: See Table 6, No. 1.7. [SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,] 3.21 flare-V weld butt weld between two members with curved surfaces Note 1 to entry: See Table 6, No. 1.6. [SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,]

field weld
weld made outside workshops usually at the place of final installation
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,]
stake weld
weld in a T-joint where a laser beam or electron beam is irradiated from a horizontal plate/flange to
vertical plate/web
Note 1 to entry: Vertical plates can be of different forms, such as corrugated panels and folded plates

4 Welding symbol

4.1 General

A reference line and arrow line are required elements. Additional elements may be included to convey specific information.
It is preferable to show the welding symbol on the same side of the joint that the weld is to be made, i.e. the arrow side (see 4.7).
The thickness of the arrow lines, reference line, elementary symbols and lettering shall be in accordance with ISO 128 (all parts) and ISO 3098-2.
In order not to overburden drawings, reference should be made to notes in the drawing or other design-related documents

4.2 Basic welding symbol

If joint details are not specified and the only requirement is to indicate that a joint is to be welded, the basic symbol shown in Figure 1 may be used. In this case, a dual reference line is not required for system A (see 4.7.1 A) as no details concerning the weld are being conveyed.
The basic welding symbol shall comprise an arrow line, reference line and a tail.

1 arrow line
2 reference line
3 tail
NOTE This symbol is often used to indicate the location of tack welds.

Figure 1 — Basic welding symbol (joint details and type not specified)

4.3 Welding symbol systems

This document recognizes two different systems, A and B, to designate the arrow side and other side on drawings.
The symbolic representation in system A is based on a dual reference line consisting of a continuous line and a dashed line (see 4.7).
The symbolic representation in system B is based on a single reference line (see 4.7).
Clauses, Tables and Figures which carry the suffix „A” or „B” are applicable only to system A or system B respectively.
Clauses, tables and figures which do not have a suffix are applicable to both systems.
System A and B shall not be mixed and drawings shall clearly indicate which system is used including units of measurement in accordance with ISO 129-1.
Examples of comprehensive welding symbols showing the location of elements are given in Figure A.1.

4.4 Elementary symbols

4.4.1 General

Elementary symbols, in accordance with Table 1, may be added to the reference line in both systems A and B to indicate the type of weld to be made.
Elementary symbols form part of the welding symbol and shall be drawn attached to the reference line generally at the mid-point.
Elementary symbols may be complemented by:
— supplementary symbols (see 4.5 and Table 3);
— dimensions (see Clause 5);
— complementary information.
The orientation of the elementary symbols shall not be changed to that shown in Tables 1 to 3.
Annex B gives guidance on tolerances and transition points for butt welds, edge welds and fillet welds.
If clear illustration by means of symbols is not possible, cross-sections of the welds may be drawn and dimensioned.

a The grey line is not part of the symbol. It indicates the position of the reference line.
b Butt welds are full penetration unless otherwise indicated by dimensions on the welding symbol or by reference to other information, for example the WPS.
c Symbol can also be used for joints with more than 2 members
The grey line is not part of the symbol. It indicates the position of the reference line.
b Butt welds are full penetration unless otherwise indicated by dimensions on the welding symbol or by reference to other information, for example the WPS.
c Symbol can also be used for joints with more than 2 members.
a The grey line is not part of the symbol. It indicates the position of the reference line.
b Butt welds are full penetration unless otherwise indicated by dimensions on the welding symbol or by reference to other information, for example the WPS.
c Symbol can also be used for joints with more than 2 members.
4.4.2 Combinations of elementary symbols

Elementary symbols may be combined as required to represent particular weld configurations.

4.4.3 Double-sided butt welds

The elementary symbols shall be arranged opposite each other on the reference line, including all required information, when used to represent double-sided butt welds.
In the case of symmetrical double-sided welds with identical symbols and dimensions, the dashed reference line should be deleted for system A (see Table 2).
An example of an asymmetrical double-sided weld is shown in Table A.3.

a Welds may be partial or full penetration which is to be indicated by dimensions on the welding symbol (see Table 6, No. 1.1 and No. 1.2) or by reference to other information, for example the WPS.
b The grey line is not part of the symbol. It indicates the position of the reference line.

4.5 Supplementary symbols

4.5.1 General

Additional information concerning the required joint may be provided by the use of supplementary
symbols in accordance with Table 3. Supplementary symbols can, for example, provide information
about the shape of the weld or how the welded joint shall be made.

a The grey line is not part of the symbol and is included to show the position of symbol on reference line and/or the arrow line only.
b Welds that require approximately flush, convex or concave faces without post-weld finishing are specified by use of the flush, convex or concave contour symbol. Welds to be finished flush, convex or concave by post-weld finishing or that require a flat but not flush surface require additional information, e.g. addition of a note in the tail of the welding symbol. Other symbols in accordance with ISO 1302 may be used to specify surface finish.
c The toes shall be blended smoothly by welding or finishing. Processing details may be specified in the work instructions or WPS.
d The weld run sequence may be indicated on the drawing e.g. by use of multiple reference lines, a note in the tail or by reference to a weld procedure specification.
e In system B, also used to designate flanged butt/corner welds (see 4.5.6).
f M, material to be part of the final welded joint, MR, material to be removed after welding. Further information on the material can be included in the tail or elsewhere.
g The material and the dimensions of the consumable insert or spacer can be specified in the tail of the welding symbol or on the drawing.
h Explanations of a, z, n, l and (e) are given in Clause 5.
a The grey line is not part of the symbol and is included to show the position of symbol on reference line and/or the arrow line only.
b Welds that require approximately flush, convex or concave faces without post-weld finishing are specified by use of the
flush, convex or concave contour symbol. Welds to be finished flush, convex or concave by post-weld finishing or that require a flat but not flush surface require additional information, e.g. addition of a note in the tail of the welding symbol. Other symbols in accordance with ISO 1302 may be used to specify surface finish.
c The toes shall be blended smoothly by welding or finishing. Processing details may be specified in the work instructions or WPS.
d The weld run sequence may be indicated on the drawing e.g. by use of multiple reference lines, a note in the tail or by reference to a weld procedure specification.
e In system B, also used to designate flanged butt/corner welds (see 4.5.6).
f M, material to be part of the final welded joint, MR, material to be removed after welding. Further information on the material can be included in the tail or elsewhere.
g The material and the dimensions of the consumable insert or spacer can be specified in the tail of the welding symbol or on the drawing.
h Explanations of a, z, n, l and (e) are given in Clause 5.
a The grey line is not part of the symbol and is included to show the position of symbol on reference line and/or the arrow line only.
b Welds that require approximately flush, convex or concave faces without post-weld finishing are specified by use of the flush, convex or concave contour symbol. Welds to be finished flush, convex or concave by post-weld finishing or that require a flat but not flush surface require additional information, e.g. addition of a note in the tail of the welding symbol. Other symbols in accordance with ISO 1302 may be used to specify surface finish.
c The toes shall be blended smoothly by welding or finishing. Processing details may be specified in the work instructions or WPS.
d The weld run sequence may be indicated on the drawing e.g. by use of multiple reference lines, a note in the tail or by reference to a weld procedure specification.
e In system B, also used to designate flanged butt/corner welds (see 4.5.6).
f M, material to be part of the final welded joint, MR, material to be removed after welding. Further information on the material can be included in the tail or elsewhere.
g The material and the dimensions of the consumable insert or spacer can be specified in the tail of the welding symbol or on the drawing.
h Explanations of a, z, n, l and (e) are given in Clause 5.
4.5.2 Weld-all-around symbol

The weld-all-around symbol, added at the junction of the arrow and reference lines, may be used to designate a continuous weld, single or double-sided, extending around a series of connected joints (see Table 3).
The series of joints may involve different directions and may lie in more than one plane but the weld shall always be of the same type and dimensions.

The weld-all-around symbol shall not be used if:
a) the weld does not start and end at the same point, i.e. it is not continuous (see 4.5.3);
b) the weld type changes, for example from a fillet weld to a butt weld;
c) the weld dimensions change, for example the nominal throat thickness of a fillet weld. In this case, each weld shall be identified using a separate welding symbol.
NOTE The weld-all-around symbol is not used to indicate that welds are to be made everywhere.
Welds extending around the circumference of a circular section/hole or elongated hole (slot) do not require the use of the weld-all-around symbol to specify a continuous weld.

4.5.3 Welds of the same type made from point to point

The weld between two points symbol may be used to designate a continuous weld (stop and restart allowed unless otherwise stated), of the same type, extending between two points. In this case, the weld does not begin and end at the same point, and the weld all around symbol shall not be used (see 4.5.2). The end points of the weld shall be clearly indicated and the welding symbol shall clearly indicate the joint to be welded.
Figure 2 gives an example of how such a weld is designated using 1 welding symbol.

1 welding symbol
2 visual response (welded in accordance with the welding symbol)
A, B weld end positions that (when required, shall be identified)
NOTE 1 There is no weld from point B to point A (fillet weld not possible).
NOTE 2 Any identifier can be used to identify weld end positions e.g. A, B and X, Y etc.

Figure 2 — Example of a welding symbol for a fillet weld made between two points A and B

4.5.4 Field welds

Field welds shall be specified by adding the field weld symbol at the junction of the arrow and reference lines (see Table 3). The symbol shall be placed perpendicularly to and above the reference line. The symbol applies to the whole welding symbol.

4.5.5 Root reinforcement — Butt welds made from one side

The root reinforcement symbol shall only be used when complete joint penetration plus a specified minimum root reinforcement dimension is required in butt welds made from one side (see Figure 3).
The root reinforcement symbol shall be placed opposite the elementary symbol and on the other side of the reference line.

Figure 3 — Example of a weld with specified root reinforcement

4.5.6 Welds on flanged butt and flanged corner joints

Welds on flanged butt and flanged corner joints shall be specified using the symbols shown in Table 4.



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